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10th Floor, The Ewart, 3 Bedford St, Belfast, BT2 7EP
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MCS Group is a leading professional recruitment services company resourcing for the specialist IT & Digital, Technical & Engineering and Professional Services recruitment markets in Northern Ireland. MCS Group is widely recognised as a genuine market leader in IT & Digital recruitment in Northern Ireland, with an increasing profile in the Technical & Engineering and Professional Services markets.
At MCS we connect people!! We work with the majority of NI’ leadings employers in the sector, from large foreign direct investment (FDI) organisations to successful, locally owned technology firms, connecting talented professional with the best career opportunities.
Our Team
At MCS Group our track record is impressive and through our highly experienced team we offer employers almost 100 years successful delivery experience in specialist disciplines.
Our consultants know the market and speak your language. They will help you cut through the flannel and will work hard to help you achieve your goals, either as candidate seeking a career improvement or an employer seeking talented people.
Ethics & Values
Honesty, trust and confidentiality are the pillars which underpin everything we do. We are known for treating people with respect and will deal with you in a straightforward manner. We are focused on long term wins for our candidates and clients.
MCS Group
£30,000 - £40,000
Co. Down
£25,000 - £35,000
£20,000 - £30,000