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Berrisford Associates

Business Consultants | Recruitment

Berrisford Associates

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We are a Business Consultancy – Focused on Recruitment and the Attraction and Acquisition of the right talent.

We look after the whole recruitment life cycle, journey and experience, evaluating your ability to attract talent and improve your employee brand, and directly SmartHunt the right people, building you a talent pipeline.


Key Skills.

Direct sourcing of professionals across a broad platform locally and internationally

SmartHunting talent via LinkedIn, ethically and professionally

Advertising, promoting and marketing roles and companies brand to attract talent.

Attracting talent to return or relocate

Developing and nurturing professional relationships with key stake holders

Coaching and developing team for performance and excellence

New business development and maximising existing relationships

Development of new areas / talent sectors

Talent attraction techniques, social media, phone and face to face

Suitability ascertaining company and cultural fit

Depending on your current needs and requirements I can offer a full suite of services and solutions as a consultant, who directly sources talent, saving you costs on standard recruitment and time.



Berrisford Associates

Business Consultants | Recruitment