Interview technique

1st September 2019

How to get ready for an interview

If you’ve recently graduated and started applying for jobs then you may be facing your first round of interviews. The key to a successful interview is sound preparation – fail to prepare, then prepare to fail. So, make sure you do your homework. Here are a few interview tips to help get you ready. Research...

29th April 2019

How to Handle Interview Questions 

Interview situations will differ from company to company, but there are a few generic questions you can expect and prepare for. Thinking through these in advance will help to ease nerves on the day and allow you to answer with confidence. Question: Tell me about yourself This is a very common interview question and it...

29th October 2018

How to… be a good interviewee

A job interview is the first chance you have to make an impression with your prospective employer and it’s one you don’t want to mess up. Nerves can often lead to honest mistakes during interviews but it’s also important you don’t let bad habits ruin your chances of landing that dream job. Don’t fidget Try...

15th October 2018

How to… answer unexpected interview questions

Interviewers often throw in a trick or unexpected question to try and catch you unaware. Quite often there is no right or wrong answer but rather they are trying to gauge your ability to think on your feet. If you were given a box of 10 pencils can you list 10 things that you could...

1st October 2018

How to… avoid interview mistakes

In her latest blog post for nijobfinder Generation Women founder, Sinead Sharkey shares her advice on things to avoid doing at an interview. Talk badly of a previous employer It is never acceptable to bad mouth a company or manager you’ve worked for previously. It doesn’t matter how awful they were. You need to find...

29th March 2018

6 ways to crack your interview technique

How’s your interview technique? You’ve spent hours on perfecting your CV, personalising each cover letter and you’ve just received an invite to an interview. There is no worse feeling than being unprepared for an interview. The process can be gruelling, but it means you’re one step closer to your dream job. This week on the...

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