Career Advice » Working from home during Coronavirus » How to get hired during lockdown

How to get hired during lockdown

4th May 2020

Whether you are searching for a job or preparing for that all-important interview, take a look at the below tips on how to get hired during lockdown.

How to get hired during lockdown

Practice and prepare

Think through the typical questions interviewers ask. Think of examples that highlight your abilities and tasks you have performed well. While you do not want to sound rehearsed a little practice will help you feel more relaxed.

Do your homework

Research the company’s history and try to demonstrate what you know. When the interviewer asks if you have any questions you could ask about the company’s future plans referencing your research. Do not be afraid to ask questions, they can help you to get hired!

Build rapport

While nerves are inevitable try to maintain eye contact with those interviewing you. Listen carefully to the introductions so you can remember the names and roles of those present. With the current restrictions in place it is likely you will be asked to do a video interview. nijobfinder have put together some tips for acing remote job interviews to give you the best chance of interview success.

Do not fidget and relax

Remember, your body language says as much about you as your answers; a friendly, personable demeanour will help you to be remembered for all the right reasons. Key takeaway – try to stay as relaxed as possible.

Be prepared

Give yourself plenty of time to get ready for the interview. Even though you may be asked to do a video interview, you still need to dress the part. Planning in advance will not only save you time but it will help your mind to stay focused on the interview ahead.

Be punctual

If you are asked to attend an interview aim to arrive ten minutes early. This will give you a chance to find your bearings, tidy yourself if necessary and to settle your nerves. Bring some notes with you to read through in case you need them for assurance at this time. Now is the time to put your phone on silent. If you are attending a video interview, the same rules apply. Make sure you have access to the video conferencing tool, check it is working, be online before the scheduled interview time and have your notes handy in case you need to refer back to them.

Say thank you

At the end of the interview thank them for their time.

Follow up

It can be good practice to follow up after interview with an email. Repeat your thanks and reiterate your interest in the company. If you are unsuccessful in your application, then do not be afraid to ask for constructive feedback. View nijobfinder’s follow up email sample for some guidance.

Looking for a job near you? Start your job search today on nijobfinder.

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